





LaRPers, 'fasands of 'em

What is Live Role Playing?

This is a well worn question and one that is not easily answered. But I'll give it a shot. LRP is a combination of a game, free form acting and simulated combat (usually). Most of all it is a game people play together with the object of creating a story. There are costumes and props which vary depending on what kind of story is taking place. Popular genres are fantasy, science fiction and horror but it can take any theme that the creators desire. An individual LRP event can last anywhere from a couple of hours to 5 days although longer events have been known.

Yup I know, if you don't know what Live Role Playing is then my description has probably confused you even more.

Frequented by me:

Heroquest - My favourite LRP / LARP Club. Fantasy.
Chimera Leisure's Shards
Legion of Dreams

Clue Scrolls Page

Clue scrolls for the various systems I attend that I've managed to put up here.

Other Systems Out there:

Durham Uni Treasure Trap
Xanodria - Another fantasy LRP in the US
Fools & Heroes - The UK's national LRP system.

LRP Suppliers:

Hightower Crafts
Morbid Masks